Grades = Feedback!
Scores lower than 80 will usually have comments for what you need to work on specifically to raise a score. If not, check the rubric below or posted with assignments. Also look for comments on submitted assignments as well- I post some specific advice on how to improve work, especially if you have a low score. Since there's always options for improving work, there is no "extra credit" for this class. Earn the regular credit!
Types of Assignments
Late work can be turned in as long as the assignment is unlocked. Once they lock they stay locked. No exceptions; however, no points deducted for late work.
District Grading Policy 2022-23
Prepare Assignment lock the Friday after they were due.
Perform/Rehearse Assignments Lock 3 days before the end of each quarter
District Grading Policy 2022-23
Prepare Assignment lock the Friday after they were due.
Perform/Rehearse Assignments Lock 3 days before the end of each quarter
Prepare Assignments20% Overall Grade
Daily Work/Tasks Completion These assignments help track your progress with Rehearse and Perform assignments. Task lists are posted on weekly and the Daily Announcements Presentation in class every day. Just need to turn in images of whatever was expected to be done in class that day. If you’re absent for these assignments, just need to make up the tasks missed. For example, if you missed time working on a project, you’ll need to make up that time missed outside of class time before the assignments lock the following week.