Ceramics: The Basics
Understanding how clay transforms into ceramic helps ceramic artists better understand how to manipulate clay better, anticipate or prevent problems, and even fix problems when they do happen.
Ceramics Beginning Students
Apply what you've learned about taking more effective notes to create a set of notes from Ceramics Basic Notes Parts 1-2.
Ceramics Intermediate, Proficient, and Advanced Students
Condense the information from Ceramic Basics Notes into an Infographic or 8-Page Booklet. Sounds easy but you need to decide how to capture all of the information from the notes as efficiently as possible.
Ceramic Basics Mini Projects
Part 1: Make the projects
- Make 4 mini projects: one made using Pinch, one made using Coils, using Slabs, and one where you apply all 3 techniques in the same project.
- Each project should take about 40-50 minutes to complete.
- The buttons below are links to videos that will show you how to complete the techniques
- Stage and photograph final projects (watch video for how to do that)
- Write an artist statement talking about what worked well, what was most challenging, what did you like/not like about any part of the process, etc. (looking for how you are applying the Ceramic Basics Vocabulary)
- Combine all images and artist statement into 1 document (ex: google Docs or slides), make sure images fill the space and are in focus.
- Submit a PDF of that Document to Canvas